Helping WA’s retirement community

The Western Australian Retirement Villages Residents Association (WARVRA) was formed in 1991 to provide an independent voice for the residents of retirement villages in Western Australia.

Today they are known as Village Retirement WA and recognised by the Western Australian Government as the peak body representing the rights and interests of all residents living in retirement villages in the State. 

Over the last five years Village Retirement WA has played a key role in influencing legislative reform of the retirement village sector. This new legislation is likely to come into effect from November 2024 and will help protect the rights of retirement village residents and their families.

Run by a Council of volunteers elected by its 6000 plus members, Village Retirement WA is non-profit organisation free of political, corporate and religious affiliations. This means members receive independent, impartial support on matters related to living in a retirement village. 

To help members navigate retirement village rules and regulations they run in person and video-linked presentations covering topics, such as: community rules (constitutions); resident committees; changes to retirement community regulations; and, educational workshops. This includes support for rural members with annual visits to communities across the state.

A collection of freely available articles for individuals thinking of living in a retirement village, residing in villages or transitioning out of a village is also now available on our new website.

Members are encouraged to attend the Quarterly General Meetings where our Council provides updates on Village Retirement WA activities, and guest speakers present and lead discussions on retirement living and other issues affecting older West Australians. 

Village Retirement WA also collaborates closely with operators and village management training providers to convey a resident’s perspective on a range of matters identified by our Council.

In recent years the growth of retirement villages has been extraordinary and it has become apparent that the residents of retirement villages, and also prospective residents, need somewhere to go where they can obtain reliable information and assistance. Village Retirement WA aims to provide this service to members and prospective members and they encourage you to find out more by visiting the new website at