Now is the time for people to check their risk of diabetes – don’t delay

ARMADALE resident Zara Secker was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes last year after recurring experiences with thrush.

“Despite the discomfort, I’m actually glad I got thrush because it exposed my diabetes. The diagnosis was a wake-up call to manage my health more carefully. I’m now exercising regularly, eating more healthy food and watching my portion sizes. Hopefully by taking care of myself I can avoid any complications associated with the disease,” she said.

Around 200,000 Western Australians may have silent, undiagnosed type 2 diabetes. They may have the condition for up to seven years before it is diagnosed. During this time diabetes may be damaging their blood vessels and nerves, which could lead to long-term complications including heart disease, kidney damage and blindness.

National Diabetes Week runs from 8 to 14 July. The “It’s about time” theme aims to raise awareness about the importance of early detection and early treatment for all types of diabetes.

A number of factors that might increase a person’s risk of type 2 diabetes, including:

  • Age

  • Genetics

  • Smoking

  • Having a relative with a chronic condition.

During National Diabetes Week, Diabetes WA is encouraging people to check their risk, and if it is high, to see their doctor and ask about having a fasting blood glucose test. To assess your risk go to

The sooner type 2 diabetes is diagnosed, the sooner it can be managed to avoid long-term complications.

Let’s Prevent Chronic Conditions

We all know some chronic illnesses run in the family. But they aren’t inevitable – there is a lot you can do to delay or avoid a diagnosis of heart disease or type 2 diabetes. Taking small steps now can make a big difference to you and everyone that depends on you.

Launching in Bunbury in August, Let’s Prevent is a health program for people at risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes or stroke. It is designed to inform and support people to make positive, sustainable lifestyle changes.

Let’s Prevent provides participants with the practical knowledge and skills they need to make important changes to their health behaviours, with the ultimate goal of helping them avoid or delay type 2 diabetes, heart disease or stroke.

More than just a one-off workshop, Let’s Prevent is a free 12-month program offering group education sessions, telephone counselling and online support. Participants are able to come back afterward for support whenever they need it.

If you are at risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease or stroke and live in the greater Bunbury area, join the Let’s Prevent program to minimise your risk. For more information visit or call 1300 001 880.